Evelyn Meier
Evelyn Meier has been a long time Ice and Roller skater and has four national titles in Competitive free skating.
She has been an Ice skater since the age of four and has competed in both FIgure and Dance.
She is well versed in the competitive rules and problems inherent in Dance competitions since she was a Dance competitor for many years herself. She was instrumental in setting up t he format we use and is constantly working to make things run smoothy and is always on the competitors side, since as she says, this is their event and they should shine. She has been dancing ango herself for over 11 years. she wants to keep dancing until the end ofher time on this planet. Tango keeps me alive, because it connects me with the universe and my dearest friends from whom I have learned so much, are part of the tango community. I am a lucky lady.