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2013 Sponsor

2013 Sponsor

COLOR BROCHURE - Advertising Rates 2014
8.5x11 tri-fold Qty 5000
distributed nationwide
Sponsors 2014

Display Advertisement Rates
Artwork: 300dpi jpg or tiff format cmyk.
Outside back panel
Three: 1/3 page = 3.5"w x 2.65h = $250
Inside left panel left of schedule
Two: 2.125w x 2.65h $135
Inside right panel right of schedule.
Two 1/6 1.75w x 2.65h = $135
Two: 1/3 page = 3.5w x 2.65h = $240
Have your merchandise or services seen bya target market.
Friday July 18th
8th USA Tango Championship.
Saturday July 19th
14th Black & White Ball
8th Original USA Tango Championship is open to tax-deductible donations and sponsorships of all levels from individual donations to major naming sponsorship.To make a tax-deductible donation please contact us directly. For non-tax deductible donations and advertising payments please send checks payable to:
Celebrate Tango
220 E 26 St #6L
NY NY 10010

Sponsors 2012 & 2013

2012 Sponsor

2012 Sponsor

2012 Sponsor

2012 Sponsor